“Lower Your Expectations!”

“Lower Your Expectations!”

“You’ll own nothing and be happy.”

I came across a thought-inspiring blog this morning, “Marketing the Decline,” which prompts some exploration.

You are being lulled (or demoralized) into complacency as your systems are failing (and/or are purposefully being failed) through ideologies, hate, anger, resentment, incompetence. This is witnessed in current issues of supply chain logistics, product/service availability and quality, employment, finance, economy, currency inflation/devaluation, education system costs and failures, foreign policy ineptitude, the breakdown of national and local discourse, societal intolerance of everything and everyone, and the deterioration across the entire spectrum of political structures. Certainly, these are not new problems, but appear to not only be accelerating, but sold as The New Normal. The Great Reset.

I posit that You are not only the enemy of, but also the food and wealth source for, the Well-Established, the Power Elite, Big Media, Big Tech, the Global Control-Lusters. Your sovereignty, your choice, your personal preferences, your values, your goals, your family, your individually determined life, your MIND, … these are highly resented impediments to Agenda, Central Planning and Control which must be eradicated. There will be no end of Crises rolled out by design or exploitation to keep you afraid, compliant, coerced, manipulated, and managed for the benefit of those that live very far above you – economically, politically, socially, pseudo-intellectually.

This will continue to be marketed under the guise of benefit to you, to Society, to Earth. Any opposition to The Narrative will continue to be attacked, mocked, marginalized, vilified. As in every historical example, societal controls only ever drive benefits and wealth in one direction – up the Pyramid of Power, where the goods and pleasures accumulate, where the exceptions for The Select are unlimited, and where the ultimate and absolute failures of every promise are shielded from any accountability.

Reject the group think. Reject the controls. Question every declaration, Narrative and Catastrophe-of-the-Moment with a critical and discriminating mind. Step out of the path of their Hurricanes of Hysteria, letting them pass you by without taking the bait of emotional reactivity, anger, fear, divisive Othering. Refuse to participate. Decline to give those manipulators the power, authority, obedience and belief that they seek.

Progress does not lie in conforming to mandates and calculated media distortions, but in a billion de-centralized daily human challenges, conversations and interactions of spontaneous and voluntary order that find ways that are better, peaceful, mutually beneficial, problem-solving and more efficient and economical of time, costs and energies.

Many apparently believe that the fullness of human development lies underneath the eternally accumulating dictates and controls of bureaucrats, technocrats, intelligentsia, and the Too Big To Fail systems that are continually being fed, maintained, enlarged, bailed out and protected – all at your expense.

I urge you to consider that human progress is best found by creating better, adaptive, technologically conscious, and more efficient processes, systems and relationships which compete with, and potentially make obsolete, those suffocating, wasteful, dishonest, immoral and destructive systems of forced order and compliance that benefit the few at the expense of the rest.

Rather than the defeatism of lowering your expectations, the voluntary and mutually beneficial interaction of humankind is the Optimism for Tomorrow that should be marketed. Of course, that true progress threatens to level the Power Pyramid. They will never endorse or support You or Us in that endeavor. So, don’t wait for the invitation. Decide to make them and their ideas obsolete. Create a better path forward despite them.

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