Dr. Peter McCullough’s Excellent Lecture on the Viral Crisis

Oct 2, 2021, DoubleTree Hotel, Downtown Pittsburgh, PA (link to rumble video)

Last weekend, I attended the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) annual conference, this year in Pittsburgh, PA. Of course, the events, illnesses, political exploitation, ongoing hysteria, mandates, coercions, etc. of the past 18+ months were recurring points of discussion.

Given the non-stop inundation of only the Approved Narrative of the Political-Media-Medical cabal, in combination with the censoring, blocking, canceling, doxxing and de-platforming of those with disallowed thought, questions and speech, it was refreshing to hear Dr. McCullough’s synthesis of data, personal research, observation and opinion. He is board certified in Internal Medicine and in Cardiology, as well as expert in a number of subspecialties. His professional publications in peer-reviewed journals approach 700. He has headed national medical organizations and worked in pharma. He loves a good immunization… but describes why the ones out there right now for this multi-variant virus are problematic.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, as he has sought early treatment options for his patients in order to keep them from progressing to extreme illness with the virus, and ending up in the hospital (where they are likely to die – mostly from mistreatment), his health network and medical organizations have disapproved of his refusal to merely parrot the provided talking points and just push the unproved novel therapies. His employment contract was non-renewed and his employer is suing him. His medical license is under investigation for “misinformation” to the public. He has been defamed by the mainstream press and social media platforms.

I have been aware of Dr. McCullough for several months and have watched some of his testimony to state and federal agencies, as well as some of his media appearances. His arguments already resonated with me. However, after listening to him and viewing his presentation and documentation in person, for over an hour, I now find the man to be an impressive human that is contributing greatly to Society at great personal expense. If 10% of our medical, media and political communities were so honest and brave, we could likely have saved at least tens of thousands of lives, removed the lever of divisiveness and manipulation used against the Public to the advantage of the Powerful, and avoided trillions of dollars of misspent and lost economic prosperity in lockdowns, stimulus, bailouts, debt, failed supply chains, unemployment, etc… which all remains to be understood and calculated through the coming years.

Do yourself a favor and give Dr. McCullough’s thoughts an opportunity to challenge what you think you absolutely know to be true. It is that Arrogance of Certainty that dooms us to a fixed path that cannot possibly get us to the promised destination… like all of the political and narrative promises that habitually persuade and intimidate into unquestioned obedience.

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