COVID-19: A Second Opinion

Hosted on Rumble video platform

Starting year THREE of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and its public and health policy responses, it would seem appropriate for physicians, scientists, politicians and the public to be able to discuss and debate any details of the ongoing crisis, mandates, varying lockdowns and vaccine passport diktats, treatments and outcomes.

As the US and global community have witnessed, legacy and social media routinely disallow the sharing of such discussion and information. Governments are hostile to being challenged. Discussion and information sharing has been blocked. Dissenters have been censored, cancelled, threatened, terminated, vilified, labeled all manner of kooks, disseminators of “misinformation,” conspiracy theorists, <insert politicized defamatory, derogatory term of choice>,…

In this 4+ hour discussion, Senator Ron Johnson (WI) hosts real physicians and scientists as they share data, experience and questions on the handling of the crisis. IMO, you would have fared far better (in terms of mortality, economics and basic human rights) to have had these conscientious professionals serving on task forces and managing the crisis, rather than the heavily financially conflicted, pharma influenced, self-interested power brokers controlling, mandating, censoring, intimidating, and fearmongering the public into mass compliance and intellectual complacency.

For my physician colleagues, this is the Morbidity and Mortality (M&M) Conference that our institutions arrogantly refuse to allow, are too intimidated to permit, and/or avoid in order to continue in favor with the distributors of research and “reimbursement” lucre.

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2 Responses to COVID-19: A Second Opinion

  1. todd says:

    Received JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association – of which I have not been a member or paid dues in over 15 years because they do not represent physicians but Systems, Academia and Government interests) into my email today. Apparently, the CDC is finally allowing recognition of high myocarditis rates. In this review by CDC associated staff and physicians, they note post-jab rates for 16-17 year old males at 105 cases per million doses of mRNA injection. (Using one of their referenced articles from Vasudeva et al, background rates for youth typically run about 9 cases per million children per year – typically viral related). The authors also acknowledge that VAERS is a passive reporting system that has challenges for verification and data collection, and therefore cases are likely to be under-reported.

    As the Narrative and obstructions crumble, it will be interesting to see how everyone repositions himself to “oh, yeah, I always knew that” and “well, it could have been worse if….” and “they did their best” etc. On the contrary, all through this experience there was malfeasance, obstruction, malpractice, fraud and corruption. We’ll see how much of it sticks and who gets protected.

  2. todd says:

    For a mind-exploding revelation into the inner workings of pharma, the NIH, fraudulent research, corruption, extreme financial conflicts of interest in Big Medicine, etc. consider reading or audio-booking Robert F. Kennedy’s The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. It has been censored from many book stores and major outlets, but I found it on Amazon. It is excellent!

    Warning: You will never again be able to see our medical establishments as entirely benign, or be able to blithely trust research, medical journals, pharmaceutical companies, academicians or public health officials.

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