“Saving Lives”

“‘Saving Lives.’ Another empty slogan bromide. Even generously, the best anyone can do for another is to help improve life and decrease discomfort. Realistically, as we are all terminally ill from the moment of birth and on a one-way trip back to the molecules from which we were assembled, the most anyone can claim is to prolong life or delay death. Paradoxically, the ones that most proclaim the saving of lives tend to be those which cause the greatest misery and discomfort for others (hint: they tend to wear suits, badges, uniforms or reside in high office). When you hear the phrase ‘saving lives’ thrown around, look for the scam, the marketing angle, the demand for either money, vote or compliance. In the end, we’re all dead. Don’t let the self-congratulatory, power-seeking, deluded and/or devious parasites feed off of you in the meantime under the guise of a psychologically comforting, yet non-existent, immortality. ‘Saving lives.’ What’s next? Doing it ‘for the children?’ ‘Spreading democracy?’ Be safe out there. The scamsters never sleep.” – Todd Rice

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