“How the CDC Abandoned Science” – Vinay Prasad, MD, MPH

Vinay Prasad, MD, MPH, is a hematologist, oncologist and epidemiologist at University of California – San Francisco.

In recent months, Dr. Prasad has been providing excellent analysis of some of the flawed studies that the CDC has promoted throughout the pandemic. (His YouTube channel is a treasure for true scientific review of the studies and issues promoted by the media and health agencies – which often turn out to be of very poor quality, if not antithetical to reality.)

In this article here, published in The Tablet, he summarizes a few of them and asks how the public health sector got so far off track. In doing so, he risks the common response that media, universities, government agencies and Big Tech have imposed on those with heterodox opinions counter to the approved Narrative: public intimidation and ridicule, job termination, license investigation, cancellation of social media accounts.

Excerpt: “So why does the supposedly impartial CDC push weak or flawed studies to support the administration’s pandemic policy goals? The cynical answer is that the agency is not in fact impartial (and thus not sufficiently scientific), but captured by the country’s national political system. That answer has become harder to avoid. This is a precarious situation, as it undermines trust in federal agencies and naturally leads to a trust vacuum, in which Americans feel forced to cast about in a confused search for alternative sources of information.”

“Once that trust is broken, it’s not easily regained. One way out would be to reduce the CDC’s role in deciding policy, even during a pandemic.”

Here’s Dr. Prasad’s website.

He’s also been on a number of podcasts that can be searched. My opinion is that he is well-informed and attempts to find the best interpretation of the data that he can offer, absent any ulterior motive, conflict of interest or political agenda. That type of discussion has been rare these past few years.

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