1988, Biden,… and the Big Club You Ain’t In

Caveat: I haven’t endorsed any of the two-party system U.S. Presidential candidates in 20 years or more. They have been (and likely always will be) insufficient human beings to represent, solve, or think at a level to benefit society. So, my post here isn’t a partisan attack, although admittedly, I think the guy is a disingenuous moron at baseline, and in some stage of dementia for years.


This news video montage popped up in a social media feed today, from 1988. There’s a reason that Biden was not elected President when he ran 30+ years ago. It was heavily documented by video capture that he was a serial liar and plagiarizer, from his school years and into his time as a U.S. Senator (D-Delaware).

Somehow, this knowledge all went down Orwell’s memory hole. The historically illiterate, easily swayed, philosophically void, emotionally led public elected and now has the Leader it deserves. Our dysfunctional, distracted, fragmented, angry, self-victimized Society is the averaged sum of its individuals.

There’s no need to pick on a single man. Biden’s fatal flaws are not an exception found within the most embedded systems upon which we depend, but are emblematic of the universal rot, corruption, conflicts of interest, ineptitude and self-aggrandizement that characterize that which governs and most impacts us: politics at all levels and brands, large corporations, universities and their “educational” product, The Academy and the research/journal articles it filters out or selectively promotes, the funding sources (like the NIH) which determine just what will be researched, the Organized Medicine and Health Insurance cabal of non-transparency, Pharma, Big Tech, Finance,… and Legacy Media to protect it all.

In many instances, we find these dysfunctional components acting in concert to their mutual benefit and to the detriment of the rest of us. One example that will become more apparent with time is the uniform defense of the Covid Narrative – vilifying any discourse that strays from the changing rhetoric of accepted therapeutics and mandates, censoring, canceling, threatening, intimidating, slandering, obstructing discourse and debate. All of this to protect certain interests, positions, power structures and agenda.

Glenn Greenwald has a nice article out on his Substack today that touches on this, particularly illustrating the ideologues’ battle against Spotify to censor the Joe Rogan Experience podcast for sharing “misinformation” in his hosting of a multitude of experts (almost universally silenced by mainstream interests) that express heterodox opinions against the Covid Narrative (from masking to jab issues to early treatment – all of which I find entirely appropriate areas of discussion… especially as a practicing physician). If someone is wrong, or an idea is flawed, the very best way to dispel it is to bring it out into the sunlight for exposure and thorough examination. Otherwise, what the f*** are you hiding?

One of the most important answers to every illness that afflicts us – be it societal or physical – is more discussion, debate, openness and transparency. We are at a global juncture in the highly pressurized tension between Centralized Control of Everything (speech, language, information sharing, centralized “digital currencies”, economic exchange, physical movement, medical therapeutics, social credit scores, vax passports for the most basic of human interactions, education curricula,…) versus Decentralization towards free discourse, open debate, criticism of Power Institutions, decentralized crypto and DeFi, personal choice, even the ability to leave one’s home in some instances (ask the Australians and so many others during this Lockdown Era).

It can be difficult to identify the source of these seemingly very united efforts to exert totalitarian control, but looking at bedmates, we often find the Big Tech billionaires, celebrities, media representatives, large universities (like Johns Hopkins), the seemingly philanthropic Bill Gates, world politicians, and global institutions like the World Economic Forum (headed by Klaus Schwab, proctering its select Young Global Leaders that become more world leaders, promoting the Great Reset) bedding up around the globe, emitting gobs of carbon trails in their private jets to arrive at their secret meetings, like the annual one in Davos, Switzerland.

For decades, they’ve held simulations of all kinds of disasters, like the October 2019 Event 201 (highlights here) that conveniently simulated how to mass control in a coronavirus pandemic… just months before a coronavirus pandemic in which essentially all world power structures followed the extreme lockdown and mandate prescriptions of the Event 201 playbook.

Just maybe it is people like these with large control ambitions that might have an interest in stifling your dissent and choice. Maybe it is people like these, technocrats with outsized influence and questionable ambitions, that are able to unduly affect, if not infiltrate and subvert, democratic and societal processes in a form of coup d’etat. Maybe this situation is among the most important that should be brought out into the sunlight for close examination (as if your basic run-of-the-mill government and bureaucrat corruptions and failures weren’t already enough to deal with).

As the brilliant George Carlin was wont to say, “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it!”

And how this little blog started with a Biden video, and expanded to this, I’m not sure. But now that we’re here,… you’re damn right.

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