CV+ a year ago

While I have been actively trialing myriad social media sites (Gettr, Gab, Parler, MeWe, Minds) as I search for means to communicate with other humans in ways that minimize coercion, censorship, cancelation, de-platforming, weaponized politics, etc., I still have some contacts on FB with whom I interact. This showed up as a FB memory from a year ago (… and before the Omicron variant which is fortunately much less virulent and deadly than previous strains, it appears.)

Books are being written (3 are on my desk now) and will continue to be written for years on the Covid missteps, abuses, politicization, corruption, conflicts of interest, control fetishes, and “mass formation psychosis” (which is the phrase of the day to describe the social and cultural hysteria that outstrips scientific and realistic justification). Two (of many) points that I have come to believe over the past two years: (1) many hospitalizations and lives would have been saved by allowing all manner of early treatments to minimize viral replication, inflammatory processes and thrombus/clot formation, and (2) lockdowns and social isolation have been evil and deadly in their destruction of living, livelihoods, growth, society, education, child development, global supply chains (especially fragile for feeding and maintaining the poorest on the planet) to the point that life-years lost due to government interventionism and obstructionism exceed those lost to a virus.

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