“The Future Will Be Decentralized” – by Michael Krieger


Catalonians in the street this week to protest efforts by Spain to suppress their secession. (picture from Krieger’s site).



Michael Krieger wrote a great piece this week about the global, human trends toward decentralization – in contrast to the centralized, authoritarian approaches that governments use to coerce cooperations and impose controls. He hits a number of enlightening topics: economics, crypto currencies, China, US politics, corporate cronyism, media’s waning control of the minds of the masses,…. Do yourself a favor and expose your mind to his perspectives. Well worth your time, in my opinion. An excerpt:

“Decentralization is an idea whose time has come. As I write this, conscious people across the world are creating systems of human empowerment, while powers of centralization desperately fight to preserve control. We aren’t the ones reacting to them, they are reacting to us. That’s not a fight they can easily win– the only question is how much are they willing to destroy in a futile quest to stymie human progress?

“Strategically, much of the current battle is about exposing power structures for what they really are by making them reveal their true thuggish natures. We must do this by creating systems that are transparently superior and more ethical than existing systems, which will then force their hands. If governments insist on thwarting human progress merely to retain control, it’ll be clear to all that they don’t work for the people, but rather, for themselves.”


(Victor Hugo, well-renowned author, poet, artist of 19th century France)

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