That tax man never quits!


Additionally, realize that you can never own your property. Even after you pay off the mortgage to the bank, you will continue to rent your property from the government via property taxes that for a median home value of about $250K will equal roughly the rent of a small apartment: ~ $500/month in Missouri… on top of every other tax you pay. Property tax also applies to your “owned” vehicles, boat, trailer,…. You can never own your home or property. Not in the Land of the Free where private property and self-ownership are so vocally touted by your government schools, institutions and officials while those principles are so blatantly violated. The unsuspecting, mind-numbed, unprincipled, thought-molded public herds right along with gov’s hand in its pocket. Simultaneously, the public has its hand sticking out for the “freebies,” undeliverable promises, and unfunded liabilities to receive from gov (i.e. their fellow taxpayers). Quite an inefficient and immoral system which perpetuates the politicization of everything, the distortion of the economy and incentive structures, and the entrenchment of the power class as the enlightened, self-important, benevolent, central planners. One of my favorite quotes: “The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they know about what they imagine they can design.” – FA Hayek.

And as Frederic Bastiat said, “Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.”

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