Record Tax Takings, Record Gov Debt,… and Your Magical Thinking?

(Graphic and data from article sourced here from CNS news)


US Gov took over $600B from individuals in the month of February – a record. Regardless, it still cannot meet its obligations without the continual creation of debt: a roughly $350B budget deficit in the first five months of the fiscal year – which will be added to the roughly $20T outstanding national debt. Vote harder? You silly, silly Americans. You cannot fix this system. You certainly cannot do it at the ballot box. Perhaps you opt for state secessions as a partial improvement. Perhaps you reach the enlightened awareness that all Govs eventually fail and perpetually do harm. Or perhaps you just keep ignoring it, as the Empire Parasite outgrows its food/tax source, spreads the globe in unsustainable patterns of influence and manipulation, creates wars and control systems which require continually increasing expenditures and management to maintain them in extremely unstable and disequilibrated states, and, as it must, as Empires without exception have suffered throughout history, it collapses (e.g. the Romans, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, French, British,…).

You can hope for a quick Soviet-style collapse wherein the separate states splinter without violence and starvation. Or maybe you’ll get a Venezuela which has been dying for decades through a state-imposed suicide, which has controlled every aspect of life until they now stand in long lines to get into empty grocery stores to buy a scrap of anything with the money that is worth considerably less at the checkout line than it was just a few hours before when they formed the line with their poor, unfortunate comrads, thinking, “Si Dios quiere, quizás pueda encontrar hoy la leche y pan para dar de comer a mis hijos.” While they’ve been hoping, in complacency, for centuries that God wills them good, real men have done them ill. Your religion of statism will serve you equally well. Good luck.

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