What Really Happened: Lockdown until Vaccination – Jeffrey Tucker

Over three years after The Viral Era Mandates, there are still fallout, obfuscation, coverup, Congressional inquiry, lying under oath, whistleblower leaks, financial – economic – societal – educational recovery attempts, FOIA blockage, high level censorship campaigns, main character email exposures… and minimal justice for the instigators of hysteria and destruction forced upon much of the global citizenry in their attempts at total control by use of governments, corporations and other powerful entities. Those underlying intentions and designs are still being uncovered.

Jeffery Tucker, the economist and founder of The Brownstone Institute, adds a helpful analysis regarding the early stages of Viral Interventionism, which is worth a read here. I am thankful to him and to all of the host of Latter-Day Dissident journalists, podcasters, professionals, doctors, politicians, economists and social media influencers that have refused to roll over, to accept the promoted narrative of the moment, to cower to threats and censorship and doxxing and de-monitizing and slander. The Interventionism of this most recent hyped crisis is the playbook for submission of humankind to totalitarian control by the elite and powerful. If we do not understand their goals and methods, we will not be able to defend ourselves, our societies and the ideals of the West which separate us from the serfs of centuries past. Those ideals include Enlightenment, discovery, curiosity, constructive disruption, self-ownership, individual rights, property, speech, association, personal responsibility, effort and concomitant reward for achievement. Those are all under intense attack in our day.

The points of attack against society are different (wide open borders to all manner of criminals and anti-socials, trans ideology, Israel/Palestine, Ukraine/Russia, racial divisions, Diversity/Equity/Inclusion, critical race theory and critical EVERYTHING theories supplanting curriculum from kinder through PhD, Antifa, political and criminal pursuit of select unfavorable groups while the greatest risks to society are allowed free and often promoted as the victims, political chaos and controls that limit democratic choice to a few incompetents, the devaluation – printing – destruction of our monetary systems,…), but the end goals appear to be the same – a Marxist/Maoist influenced, societal forever-revolution and destabilization for an always changing and unachievable utopian promise which will require endless submission. For some good reads on these topics, check out my book list page.

Good luck. We’re in a time of extreme chaos, change, threat and destruction. Hopefully, we dissidents can offer enough reasoned thought, wisdom, strength, resistance, cohesion and superior choices such that humanity can cycle through this era into a more stable and improved state.

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